Yesterday i had been going through junk boxes and i came across a old stick figure comic i had made in eighth grade. It was drawn on atleats 340 sheets of collage ruled paper. It was called randomness, and boy it had everything. From egoraptors megaman spoof to alot of stuff i made up. I decided that i was going to animate the story (not all of it maybe in small sections and post it up on newgrounds for your veiwing pleasure. I will be posting art from stuff i am redoing on photoshopcs4. So yah keep you eye out for new flash (first flash) by me and i hope you will enjoy it.
I am also looking for people who would like to even help with it (art, pre-loader, music, etc. etc.) and would also like to help on future flashes i will create. Ill keep all you newgrounders updated on the release of "R@nd0mness My mind gone mad"
The true release of the flash is still unown because i am now having to deal with highscookl and that stuff so i ill be working on it in my free time. Still looking for people to help me